"Our auction is usually set up in our Media center and everyone from our district comes over, views the items and writes their bid on paper in person. Due to Covid we needed to make some changes to safely still have the auction. This auction is our big fundraiser for scholarships. Mr. Matheny set it all up for us to be able to bid across the district from our computers. The form we had originally was just for people to put their name in under the previous person and update their own bid. This allowed for people to accidentally change other people's bids and not kept in "real" time. People also were going back and updating their original bid instead of adding a new line. Mr. Matheny totally took this challenge on DURING the auction taking place, set it where it showed the current bid, made a google form to bid through so that no bids were changed or deleted from human error, and automatically gave the appropriate increment bid increases. This was my project, but the same day, I was asked to go to an off campus trip. I brought the issues to Mr. Matheny via a phone call and handled all the issues since I was not here to do that, he never once got upset or overwhelmed. All this while also teaching 4 different prep classes. Thanks to his jumping in and saving the day, we made $3,000 to go to scholarships for our seniors! This auction would have been a huge flop! The emotional stress that was taken off of me once Mr. Matheny took over was worth thousands of dollars and he did it all for not one dime! Just to help out a friend in need!
Mr. Matheny made a google bid form that kept it in real time and took away the human error mistakes that occurred on the paper side. This kept multiple people from putting the same bid at the same time. This would have not been possible without his help. We would have had to just go back to paper sheets and limit the amount of people allowed in the building to bid. That would have severely hindered the amount of profit we made. The fact that he just jumped in and said I got this, don't worry, was amazing! Some people want to help but when problems start arising, they just leave you high and dry. That is when Mr. Matheny was at his best! He took over, never looked back and we pulled off our auction and it was a huge success!
Every time I have asked for his help, he is onboard immediately, loves the challenge, and comes up with something that totally blew me away! Each time he has gone above and beyond anything I could have dreamed. He not only creates a solution to whatever the problem is, he takes it further than I could have imagined by making it user friendly. He is great about listening to what expectations you have for the project, asking questions to help make it fit your needs and then blowing you away with the end results."
Michelle Hendry
PEIMS/Golf Booster Club
Hudson ISD